Air Fryer Donuts Recipe

Air fryer donuts are yet another delightful discovery in Airfryer 101. I didn’t even know I wanted one, and now I can’t imagine not having one in my kitchen. But, I’m telling you, these yummy warm air fryer donuts are so incredibly fast and good; they are reason enough to buy one.
Pillsbury Grands! biscuits were on sale for $1.99 at my local grocer yesterday, and when I saw that, I knew this was my moment to try them! Sometimes I hesitate to bake because my husband and I love to eat, but a whole batch of something around the house is entirely too tempting!
However, this morning, I had a brilliant thought! Our son-in-law’s business is two miles from our house, so I took the whole batch of still-warm donuts to his mainly male staff, and they were thrilled! They generously offered to help me out any time I needed it! 😊 Aren’t they the best? (P.S. I did succumb to temptation, and I ate a donut hole. It was simply delicious!)
Inexpensive Air Fryer Donuts Make Loads Of Weekend Smiles
This yummy treat is so fun and easy to do that kids will be begging to make them. What a great way to kick off a weekend with a low-cost goodie you can whip up together in minutes with a can of Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits!

Start by opening a can of Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits. Use a one-inch cookie cutter to remove the center of each biscuit. There are loads of options for sets of nested round cookie cutters you can buy online like these.
No cutter? No problem. Look around your kitchen, and you’ll probably find something that will work. For example, a lid from a sports drink close to an inch will work just fine! You must make a hole in the middle so the donuts cook through. Save the holes and fry them for a wonderful little goodie!

Use coconut oil spray on the fryer basket or rub the grid with cooking oil. Set the temperature to 360 degrees. You do not need to turn the donuts while cooking because hot air circulates them while they are cooking.
Now put the biscuits in the air fryer. My Phillips brand air fryer will hold four of these jumbo donuts. Yours may accommodate more or less depending on the brand. Hooray! The donuts should be ready in about eight minutes.

Line up your “dunking station” while the donuts are cooking. You’ll need melted butter and cinnamon sugar. Powdered sugar donuts are my favorite, so I also set out a dish with powdered sugar.

Carefully remove the hot donuts with tongs and give each one a quick dip in melted butter, then dip them in the sugar of your choice. Repeat until all the donuts and donut holes have been cooked and sugared.

Now stack those gorgeous donuts and enjoy them with a cold glass of milk or a steaming mug of your favorite cocoa or coffee. These donuts taste best when eaten the same day, but if you have any leftovers because you can’t eat them all, a few seconds in the microwave will freshen them up later.

Here’s another little trick you can do with these speedy donuts. Instead of melted butter, mix powdered sugar with some milk or water to make a thin glaze, and let the kids add sprinkles! What a fun way to celebrate each special time of year! If you’re feeling fancier, here are a couple of other quick and easy desserts you can whip up in your air fryer with puff pastry!
Do you own an air fryer yet? I didn’t know I needed or wanted an air fryer, but I found dozens of ways to use it once I pulled the trigger and got one! I love mine, do you? Do you have any special tricks you do with an air fryer? We’d love to hear about them! Have we mentioned we love getting photos from you? 💕
Printable recipe:

Air Fryer Donuts
How to make donuts in your air fryer using a can of Pillsbury Grands! Donuts.
- One can of Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits
- About 1/3 cup of butter, melted.
- Powdered sugar for dipping
- Cinnamon sugar for dipping
- Use a one-inch cutter to make a hole in the center of each biscuit; save the holes!
- Spray the air fryer's basket with coconut oil or brush it with cooking oil.
- Place donuts in the air fryer basket and cook at 360 degrees for about 8 minutes.
- Dip the donut in melted butter, then in the sugar of your choice.
- Repeat until all donuts and donut holes are cooked and dipped.
If you enjoyed this recipe, please share it on your social media! I would love for more people to try this delicious and easy-to-make recipe. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you! Shhh… Join our secret foodie group on Facebook


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